Lux in Vivo



Mission to transform

Founded by Isabelle Aguerre, Lux in Vivo advises brands on the why, what, and how to transform from a product-centric approach to business to a more client-centric one. This is a strategic issue to build sustainable growth in today’s global fast-changing complex environment

Lux in Vivo provides a holistic, customized approach to brands by helping them establish their client vision, values and strategy, and develop the building blocks to a «client ecosystem»: the visible blocks include actionable knowledge about the client and KPIs, as well as a service-oriented omnichannel experience; the underlying blocks are the adapted technology, data and processes, together with a client-focused collaborative organization

Lux In Vivo assists pragmatically and concretely all aspects of the organization (Retail, Marketing, Digital, IT, HR...) every step of the way, working with these teams to develop roadmaps, milestones and actionable deliverables

The result of this client-centric transformation is a unique client experience and increased client loyalty, both are key to sustain brand equity and long-term business growth

CONNECT to deliver

In a client ecosystem, the underlying structure, the tools, levers, and actions, all need to be interconnected. We help brands prioritize and connect the dots to have an impact at each development phase of the ecosystem. For example, a brand does not need to invest in a data superpower house if it cannot ensure the client gets a smile and provides data. An essential part of mapping the ecosystem is to define the appropriate balance of human and digital, especially at client touch points

To achieve all this, Lux in Vivo engages in long-term structuring initiatives and pragmatic quick wins. We involve all key stakeholders and their teams. And we deliver support from planning to implementation

@strategic level, e.g. a client-centric ecosystem mapping, an organization and governance design, the client strategy and roadmap, a management client KPI dashboard, a strategy for future of retail and client innovation

@operational level, e.g. a client values chart, a clienteling program, a client communication integrated plan, the omnichannel client journey design, the e/mobile/voice-commerce action plan, a client satisfaction monitoring system

Approach to succeed

Customization to the brand, based on the existing client topic maturity and initiatives, as well as the brand DNA, overall strategy, organization and governance.  It is also key to integrate with the business digital transformation and the corporate social responsibility strategy

Co-creation with the teams, involving internal talent all along, at headquarter and in markets worldwide, cross-functionally, from top management to frontlines, in order to ensure sustainable collaboration and ownership

Coherence and agility, prioritizing and focusing on one or selected initiatives, that are fully transversal, actionable, and designed as a module of the overall ecosystem, to test and learn, adapt and succeed